Tuesday, February 28, 2012





For this project we we're assigned to:
Create a flyer using the same layout and alignment strategies found at the bottom of p. 85.  Be sure to clearly demonstrate alignment as shown.
I chose to create a flyer for bikes.  I found the bike image on Google, and in Power Point, I recolored each image (duplicated three times for repetition) in Dark Variations under the Recolor option.  I flipped the middle image horizontally to create a different perception of the bike.  I used a black 2 3/4 line to frame each image.  The pattern and placement of the bikes creates a visually stimulating image.  
For the text, I went to lipsum.com, as suggested, to create fake text for the layout.  The top three sentences are left-justified, but not centered.  I also put the text in italics to demonstrate that it's a header.  With equal spacing between the header and the paragraph text, I created the title.  The title is center-justified, and I kerned and expanded the text so the top and bottom lines would align - creating strong horizontal lines .  I placed the paragraph in a two-column layout and made the "L" larger to wrap around the text.  I used the same colors in the bikes that I used throughout the text.  For the logo in the bottom right, I also kerned and expanded it so it would align with the last paragraph.

Monday, February 27, 2012






For the emphasis assignment, using color or value, we had to create a similar image from the original that used emphasis in a meaningful way.  I found this photo on stockvault.net and was instantly attracted to it.  With the bright yellow wall and the two children placed perfectly off-centered to the left (principle of unequal spacing), this image was perfect to create emphasis.

I created two different images in Photoshop to show how the saturation of an image can affect its message.  For the first image I selected everything around the children.  I dropped the saturation to its minimum to make everything gray around the kids.  I sharpened the kids to give them more of a "pop" against the grey background.  I really like how that one came out.  It completely brings your attention to the children, instead of the yellow wall.

For the second photo, I did the opposite of the first and only selected the children.  I left the hues alone with the yellow wall because I wanted that to remain the focus.  I minimized the saturation of the kids and kept the contrast of the two subjects (kids and wall) .  I saved them as "Save for Web and Devices" and saved each as a .jpg in order to upload them to the blog.  I really enjoyed this project!


Repetition and Visual Echo Assignment

For the project we had to: 
Design a visual “lesson” involving the concept.
Demonstrate harmony using repetition (p. 53).
Demonstrate harmony using visual echo through at least one of the following:
I had a hard time coming up with an idea for this project (and I still don't think it's the best), but I tried to think back to all the posters I grew up with in classrooms in elementary school.  Along with the requirements for the project, I remember the design of the posters and that repetition was always being used.  I love animals and wanted to demonstrate the "circle of life" (how cheesy) by showing three different large animals that most children can recognize.  

Through horizontal and vertical alignment, I created visual harmony with this poster.  Horizontally, the male animal is first, then the female, and then the baby.  Vertically, you can look at the poster and see each male animal, each female, and each baby equally placed.  The plus and equal signs are also aligned horizontally and vertically, placed equally between each subject.  I filled the symbols with a green texture from PowerPoint to echo the "safari" theme.  Through color and content, I was able to create visual echo and harmony on the poster.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Critique of Grouping Assignment 2

- In class today we had a group critique of everyone's posters.  I received some helpful suggestions from my classmates and I'll adjust my poster to meet this critiques.  

1. Move the tree up, center it on the page.  The roots were cut off on the bottom.

2. Chose an easier font to read- or maybe change the fill color.  Make it easier to read from a distance.

3. Someone suggested to make the background more neutral, but I really like the colorful background.  Maybe I can find a background that is less "busy" so the words will be easier to read. 

4. Continue working on word movement.  Make the words flow with the tree.

Grouping Activity 2

Unfortunately I do not have Photoshop on my computer, so I had to use PowerPoint to create my poster.  I used a lot of synonyms of my "chosen" word placed throughout the tree.  The tree with deep roots also exemplifies my word in a metaphorical way.  I chose a color palette for my fonts that complimented the background picture.  To make the words pop, I used a matching glow color of the flowers in the background.  Both the tree and the words are lined in black in order for them to be noticed first.  I added a small black ribbon next to the word survivor to give the word a visual connected to it.

I grouped all of my words around the focal point - the tree.  Using the layout of the tree, and the text effects in PowerPoint, I shaped each word around the flow of the lines of the roots and the branches.  Unequal spacing was used throughout the entire tree, even though I tried to make things look somewhat organized and repetitive.  I should have made the tree bigger, like one of my peers suggested, in order for it to look centered on the page.  The contrast between the black tree and the pastel background give the image an enduring perspective.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Grouping Activity 1

Anarchy! Anarchy!
I really liked this activity, because it got us thinking about how we group our objects and the meaning it conveys.  I had trouble figuring out a group for the celebration slide...I'm really not a big fan of stars for some reason...the symbolism of them seems overused and they aren't exciting anymore.  I used shadowing for the escape and anarchy slide to give the shapes more depth.  Using unequal spacing on the escape slide, I was able to create the appearance of moving objects (along with the shadows).

Color also played a large part in the portrayal of the words.  With intimidation, I instantly thought of scared and angry, and those emotions evoke a red and black color.  I wanted to create the essence of fire with anarchy, so I used a lot of reds, oranges and yellows for that slide.  Logic is bright and critical, and I instantly thought of yellows and light blues for logic.  The unequal spacing in anarchy and escape definitely help portray the symbolic words.  I rotated each symbol many times to create the image I was imagining.  The placement of the 10 symbols, whether they be unequally spaced, grouped, or arranged in front or behind, creates individual meanings for each word.  I saved each slide as a .jpg and uploaded each separately to the blog.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

About Me Poster

About Me

I wanted to keep the About Me poster simple, but still colorful and attention-grabbing - all qualities that I possess and wanted to convey.  I strongly believe in making in your own path in life (especially ones that take you through trees), and although this quote is extremely overused it fit well on the path and works with the piece.  I love nature and trees and getting lost outside, and I think this poster really conveys that.  I had to put my bike in here as well, because I love to bike.  The bike is not as smooth as I wanted it to be - but I'm still working on mastering Photoshop (aren't we all?).  The drop shadows on the words are alright, but still not what I wanted it to look like.  Oh well, I still love Photoshop!

I selected a picture of myself from a previous image, and pasted it into the background.  Rachel Dawson helped show me how to do drop shadows on text in Photoshop, so I was able to create depth with the words - to give the allusion that they are actually on the path.  I created perception with my words, making them appear that they are getting closer to you as you walk the path.  I like using the natural flow of elements in pictures to emphasize the placement of new added words or images.  I also selected the bike from another picture, and pasted it along the trees (I wanted it to look like it was leaning against the tree - I should have added blades of grass in front of the tires, instead I attempted to add shadows behind the wheels.)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Principles of Visual Design

 Assignment 1:

 For the first part of the activity, I grouped the objects by shape.  I rotated and resized the rectangles to give a 3-D appearance, with the rectangles descending from largest to smallest.  I also made it a gradient red color to emphasize the 3-D effect.  For the ovals, I grouped them from largest to smallest again, but placed each oval inside each other.  I decided not to place the ovals centered within each other (a little to the left) to make the group more original.  I also colored the circles dark to light in descending order.  The third group is a weird arrangement of overlapping crescents.  I really liked how I resized the smaller two shapes and arranged them above and below the equally distant larger crescents. Each group was rotated consistently to create the images.  I reflected the crescent group - not sure if that does much to the shape, but it gives it a different perception from the others.

Assignment 2:  C-A-R-P



I grouped the subtitle information and directions to the event together to emphasize that the information is related to one another.  I used a bold font to exaggerate the date of the event, an italicized, smaller font for the name of the place, and a smaller font equally below to show the directions of the event.  The proximity of the three lines convey the importance of the information.  

The two horizontal lines at the top and the bottom of the poster separate the main title and the contact information, creating horizontal alignment on the poster.  I used the same color green in the lines and the glow behind the title.  I think it creates a nice unifying look and shows repetition.  The same font was used for the directions, contact information, and subtitle information; again showing repetition and unity.  The contrast between the wood background, the green colors, and the large bold font of the title make the poster appealing to the eye.   

Arbitrary Graphic Assignment

In class we talked about Arbitrary Graphics and the use in research.  We were given the project:

A researcher is asked to create a visual that depicts her research design.  The design includes strategies, data collection methods and a sequenced timeline.   The researcher will do the following in her study:

1.     Obtain informed consent from a class of students and their 2 teachers on May 1.
2.     Administer an online survey to the 24 students, May 2-May 9.
3.     Observe 2 teachers and 24 students in a classroom each day, May 2-June 1.
4.     Administer an online, post-test assessment to students, June 1-June 8.
5.     Interview 2 teachers individually on June 2.
6.     Analyze the data.
7.     Close the study.
8.     Write a paper about the results of the study.

Using just PowerPoint, create a visual that depicts each of these elements as indicated.  Post to your blog.  Use shape and color and placement to contribute to your message design.

Color Scheme:  I wanted to show the progression of steps with different color arrows.  PowerPoint gave a lot of different options for color schemes, and I chose a lighter color pallet to make it appealing and create an equal flow between graphics.

Target Audience:  I am definitely targeting a younger audience, mainly elementary school researchers.  They could use this graphic to show students what they are doing in their classroom.

Shape & Design:  Progression charts with arrows work really well with describing steps.  It creates an appealing path for the eye to follow.  I put the pictures in circles because it's an universal shape and it's a good contrast between round and sharp objects (arrows).

Graphics:  I am a visual learner, so when we were assigned this project, I knew I wanted to use icons to symbolize each step.  Large pictures with minimal captions are more appealing to an audience and are easier to understand if you have limited time to read/scan.  This is an arbitrary graphic for research and educational use.